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Devon Pigments

A Sense of Place Palettes.
This collection of natural pigments has been foraged in Devon, from the North Devon coast, Fremington Estuary, the river Umber and from Exmoor.
Sedimentary rocks are the easiest to process, although harder, Igneous stones yield finer colours. After breaking up into manageable pieces, I use a pestle and mortar to crush and grind to a finer powder, this is labelled and stored in glass jars.
The Devon collection includes 5 beautiful natural colours ready to be made into a paint of your choice.

Bideford Black

This unique pigment is a rich, deep black that is geographically specific to the Bideford area in North Devon. It is composed from fossilized ferns from 300 million years ago. The mines closed in 1969. This pigment exists in 3 forms, a thick black clay, a fine smutty powder and an anthracite coal. I forage the pigment and refine in the studio. The pigment can be made into watercolour, oil, and acrylic paints, and a rich dark ink.